Homework homework

We want to play…

But homework homework everyday

Brings Fear everyday

Homework homework

Since long, I have been listening from people that हमारे ज़माने में तो Head Master, Teacher, Parents… कुछ भी गलती होने पर एक चमाता लगाते थे

Sorry to disappoint people having all such views, this approach of corporal punishment is ridiculous and not supported by any study. This is a disaster which was infused by British colonial system of convent schools.  Based on primary and secondary research of ancient and contemporary GURUKUL education system, I can safely say that there is no precedence of beating and scolding children during phase of learning. Every child is unique, has different learning potential, speed and direction.

When I went to Gurukul, on the first day आदरणीय गुरु माताजी (aged 80 years) told me – all knowledge is within you, I am here only as a facilitator to help you discover/explore those infinite possibilities.

This was so relaxing, humble and full of bliss. Now compare to this to today’s schools where teachers feel that “बच्चे को सुधार देना है”।

Rediscover the true ideas of parenting and teaching, which brings discipline in life of a child not through force but love, care and leading by example (आचरण).