Shastriya Prabandhan - A Bharatiya Design Thinking Approach to Education and Management

Month May 2017

अभी देखते है! – A Tool for Self Discipline

​Self discipline is one of the difficult tasks for human beings. Bharatiya civilization’s core competence lies in making things simple. The Rishis-Munis devised various mechanisms for each and every type of individual to achieve the highest potential. So, what Bharatiya… Continue Reading →

For Quality Education – Think Beyond Technology

Today many of us think that for quality improvement in education can come through technology. However, this is the biggest myth or superstitious belief our society has, and needs to be addressed on urgent basis. Before  you discard the above statement as conjecture… Continue Reading →

No need to fear job layoffs after automation – Why?

When we are customer of services: we don’t want humans to trouble us emotionally, we don’t want subjectivity, we don’t want bribery, we want quick solutions, we want growth, we want speed, we want faster processors, better mobile phones, super automatic… Continue Reading →

दिल को देखो, चेहरा न देखो, चेहरे ने लाखों को लूटा – A view on Face Beauty App

Many people keep asking me about various innovations and inventions that have become common today – their question is – did they exist in ancient Bharat also? Some of them ask out of sheer curiosity, some of them want to… Continue Reading →

Feminine Drain and WISDOM’s Approach

In these times, most of the problems remain unaddressed even after so much ho-halla about it. The main reason behind it, seems to be – absence of good quality research and analysis of the identification of the problem to its… Continue Reading →

Why I Would Have Also Quit Formal Academics? – But did Not

The education system needs a quality revolution. Toyota is bringing quality revolution in machines, but first we need quality revolution in human beings. This can come through education. Curriculum and Pedagogy suffer heavily from the colonial hangover (and academic imperialism)… Continue Reading →

​जीवन की भूल भुलैया और भगवद्गीता

जब हम भूल भुलैया में हो, तब तीन तरीके अपनाए जा सकते है 1. मन ही मन भगवान् का ध्यान करते हुए घूमे फिरे, परिवार-दोस्त जिनके भी साथ गए हो उनके साथ आनन्द पूर्वक समय व्यतीत करे। ​ – भाग… Continue Reading →

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