The title might have left you with feeling that something is wrong in it…….

there is serious error in “standard”  units of measurement….when the units were thought of ….it was 1 foot of a person and this was applicable for that person….not a standard 1 foot….

Let me take an example….. suppose two athletes decide to compete….and decide who runs faster …..and they go for 100mt dash…. i.e. about 333 ft…..

Here we need to be clear that both aim to find runner who runs faster than other…..and we are measuring them on different parameters….!!

sounds foolish?? please read ahead… 🙂

Now…i do an experiment…..the foot size of 1st participant is measured…and replicated 333 times….that makes a distance of 333 ft for that participant…… similarly experiment repeated for 2nd participant………

And then they are asked to compete…..the participant who finishes…the race…. i. e. travels his own 333 ft…in least time…is winner…..

This model provides…equal opportunity to every athlete…irrespective of his body make…

hope someone extends this logic to other dimensions of scaling………….