What if you have a contact lens that lets you see only what is “recommended for you”. You see customized ads on hoarding, you don’t see any apathy, poverty on roads…It is just like facebook feeds on ground.

In short you see only what you want to see.
Artificial Intelligence Researchers might be excited about it.  AI Phobic people may feel doomed.
  • Many people complain that Social Media, AI etc is creating such non-thinking beings. But this has been in existence since always.
  • But this tool has been in place for years – “British Education System”…which has been more ridiculous as teachers and syllabus made people see what colonial masters wanted them to see.


How to remain calm, happy, at peace?

This is among various features of kaliyug…only solution from all our scriptures is to recite Bhagwan Naam. Once this is done, everything falls in place without any delay.