Shastriya Prabandhan - A Bharatiya Design Thinking Approach to Education and Management

Tag Social Entrepreneurship

Design Thinking Activities by MBA Students of FMS-WISDOM, Banasthali Vidyapith

Management discipline has always kept pace with changing times by adopting the advancements in various streams. The recent development that it has adopted is “Design Thinking”. With the entry of Entrepreneurship at the center of management education, the importance of… Continue Reading →

Research Collaboration : OM-RISE

FMS-WISDOM has collaborated with Buurtzorg and Praan Group, The Netherlands for forming a research group named OM-RISE (Organizational Management, Research, Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship). The group will carry out research in areas of self-management, integrating simplification, entrepreneurship, nursing, financial literacy,… Continue Reading →

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