Shastriya Prabandhan - A Bharatiya Design Thinking Approach to Education and Management

Tag Guru-Shishya

Why IIMs and IITs Excel? – A Metaphoric Exploration

क्योंकि वो अपने गुरु चरणों में नतमस्तक रहते है ! They excel because they remain obedient students of their Masters! ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ऋषि सान्दीपनि की कथा से आइये इस पर दृष्टि डाले | (Let us visit this idea through a story… Continue Reading →

For Quality Education – Think Beyond Technology

Today many of us think that for quality improvement in education can come through technology. However, this is the biggest myth or superstitious belief our society has, and needs to be addressed on urgent basis. Before  you discard the above statement as conjecture… Continue Reading →

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