Shastriya Prabandhan - A Bharatiya Design Thinking Approach to Education and Management

Tag Education

पुरुष अपमान से नही नारी सम्मान होगा

पुरुष अपमान से नारी सम्मान नही होगा पुरुष अनुकरण – अनुसरण से नारी सशक्ति करण नही होगा चोटी काटी टिका साफ किया, नकल किया क्या मिला शर्ट पेंट तो पुरुषों ने भी दासता में स्वीकारा था  उनको कुछ नहीं मिला, तो तुमको… Continue Reading →

Fear is a great motivator for compliance but terrible for creativity

Discipline is often hailed as the cornerstone of education and character building. The very thought of a disciplined environment conjures up images of straight lines, tidy uniforms, and hands dutifully raised in a classroom. However, beneath the surface of this… Continue Reading →

From School to Gurukul

S System of C Colonizing  H Humans for O Oppressing them and teaching O Obsolete concepts for destroying them in name of  L Learning Solution? G – Genuine Guidance with  U – Unparalled  R – Responsibility taking  U – Unadulterated … Continue Reading →

If machine is trained on big data, we are trained on Bhagwan’s Data…

The time when schools, colleges, and offices were shut down, after spending days at home, why students were desperate to go back to schools and colleges and why were people so eager to go back to offices? Today when we… Continue Reading →


Homework homework We want to play… But homework homework everyday Brings Fear everyday Homework homework Since long, I have been listening from people that हमारे ज़माने में तो Head Master, Teacher, Parents… कुछ भी गलती होने पर एक चमाता लगाते… Continue Reading →

Peer Learning Activity

As a part of peer learning activity, PRIME designed a Shlok identification and recitation activity for faculty members as a part of Faculty Development Program at WISDOM, Banasthali Vidyapith. Four Shlok were shared with the participants and they had to recite… Continue Reading →

Quality Education in Bharat (India) – Role of an individual

For more than 100 years, many visionaries and thinkers have made tremendous efforts to bring changes in the education system and undo the harm done by colonial distortion. The improvement they tried to offer was based on the Gurukul system… Continue Reading →

TV: मैं IDIOT BOX नहीं हूँ

एक दिन प्रातः काल एक TV मेरे पास आया और बोला…आप मुझसे नाराज़ है, पिछले 3 वर्षों से आपने मेरी ओर कभी देखा भी नहीं…लेकिन आज मैं कुछ कहूँगा और आपको सुनना होगा। वह बहुत दुखी होकर कहने लगा…मैं IDIOT… Continue Reading →

सन्त हो जाना और सन्त बनने की यात्रा में होना

स्कूल की एक कक्षा में रहते हुए, रोज़ स्कूल जाना होता है, कॉपी सम्भाल के रखना होती है, नियम का पालन करना होता है। 12+12 को सीधे 24 लिख सकते जबकि उस कक्षा में रहते हुए carry forward इत्यादि पूरा लिखकर… Continue Reading →

संस्कारी होना क्यो ठीक नहीं होगा : एक व्यंग्य

आज कल धर्म -अधर्म के निर्णय supreme  court  के judge  लोगों पर छोड़ दिए जाते है।  चरित्र निर्माण, जीवन -मूल्य, जीवन -चर्या, ब्रह्मचर्य इत्यादि महत्वपूर्ण विषय साधारण मनुष्यों के विचारों के आधार पर नहीं हो सकते।  भारत में ऋषि-मुनियों द्वारा… Continue Reading →

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