Shastriya Prabandhan - A Bharatiya Design Thinking Approach to Education and Management

Category Self Management

‘Presence’ is the best present!

In today’s times, the best present or gift that parents can give to their child is “presence”. When child wakes up – finds that mother is there. When child comes back from school – mother is there. When child comes… Continue Reading →

अभी देखते है! – A Tool for Self Discipline

​Self discipline is one of the difficult tasks for human beings. Bharatiya civilization’s core competence lies in making things simple. The Rishis-Munis devised various mechanisms for each and every type of individual to achieve the highest potential. So, what Bharatiya… Continue Reading →

No need to fear job layoffs after automation – Why?

When we are customer of services: we don’t want humans to trouble us emotionally, we don’t want subjectivity, we don’t want bribery, we want quick solutions, we want growth, we want speed, we want faster processors, better mobile phones, super automatic… Continue Reading →

​जीवन की भूल भुलैया और भगवद्गीता

जब हम भूल भुलैया में हो, तब तीन तरीके अपनाए जा सकते है 1. मन ही मन भगवान् का ध्यान करते हुए घूमे फिरे, परिवार-दोस्त जिनके भी साथ गए हो उनके साथ आनन्द पूर्वक समय व्यतीत करे। ​ – भाग… Continue Reading →

Solution to Problem of Corruption : Building Good Character

How to end corruption? भ्रष्टाचार का नाम सुनते ही, किसी पुलिस वाले का अथवा सरकारी विभाग का स्मरण आ जाता है । पाठक गण में अधिकतर कि हाँ हो सकती है ! हम लोग भ्रष्टाचार का समाधान कारण नहीं निकाल… Continue Reading →

Right Secured in Bhagwad Geeta

We talk about various rights and “implied” duties in the constitution. But Geeta has very important point to for the humanity – The most vital right secured by Bhagwad Geeta is Right to मोक्ष (Moksh). Bhagwan has said that whosoever in the… Continue Reading →

Self-triggered clones of NDTVs and TOIs

In past when we used to meet people, we used to talk about each other’s well-being, family life, nature etc. But these days general discussions on a few topics are based on what media has fed into the mouths. If one… Continue Reading →

इस बार एक कविता लिखने का छोटा सा प्रयास

देख रहा है तू चुपचाप होते हुए सब लूटपाट क्या होता नहीं तुझे  दर्द ……………..सवाल यह उठता है मेरे मन में दर्द से तेरा क्या है अर्थ ?……………….उठा यह सवाल मेरे स्वप्न में फिर सोच में पड़ा रहा में थोड़ी देर नींद… Continue Reading →

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